NetNewsWire CSS refinement
- Posted
25 January 2004
A custom stylesheet improves the general readability of the RSS posts in my copy of NetNewsWire. Every once in a while an entry appears amoungst the RSS feeds I regularly read that doesn’t include a link on the title.
My NetNewsWire stylesheet applied the fixed positioning, padding etc to the A tag within newsItemTitle – posts without this tag (rare as they are) were not being styled as I intended.
Finally, as a distraction from something else I ought to be doing, I opened My first NetNewsWire stylesheet once more — fixing it was simple.
Moving the positioning and padding attributes to .newsItemTitle made it behave just like the linked title — hugging the top of the window despite scrolling. To counter the extra padding in it’s parent element I added negative margins to the A tag. Lastly a different colour and background colour to .newsItemTitle distinguishes unlinked titles from the regular linked variety.
Not a dramatic change I admit, but an improvement regardless. My previous entry on the subject and the My first NetNewsWire stylesheet both reflect this update.