Video still bookmarklet
Capture a still frame of the first video element in the page.
Bookmarklet installation
Drag this link Capture still to your browser bookmark bar.
Capturing images
- Viewing a web page with a playing (or paused) video.
- Click the bookmarklet.
- A new window will open displaying the captured still as an image.
- Right click to save or copy it.
More frames to capture?
- Don’t close the window previously opened by the bookmarklet.
- Return to the video page, resume or seek to a new frame.
- Click the bookmarklet.
- Each click will append an image to the previously opened page.
The resulting images are PNG which is likely a much heavier download than it needs to be. Before posting images captured like this to a website – be sure to optimise them with something like Squoosh to a more appropriate image format.
Hat tip
Built upon a console script posted by Dave Rupert How to capture single frame from an HTML video.
More on the making on this bookmarklet in my blog: Capturing video stills with a bookmarklet.