October 2003

NetNewsWire load feedback

Posted 1 October 2003

People seem to like the idea of favicons in NetNewsWire. Although another possible trade-off occured to me, beyond the odd ugly icon.

newsItemTitle overflow

Posted 11 October 2003

Just a short rant regarding a small CSS tweak to my NetNewsWire user stylesheet. A few RSS feeds appeared tonight with particularly long titles. These were originally cause for me to update my NetNewsWire stylesheet. Hence my surprise to notice...

Comment spam

Posted 11 October 2003

I'm suprised that this small humble site has already been subjected to comment spam. Hey spammers don't bother! I don't get the traffic to warrant it. So far I have only had a few which were simply deleted, but it...

Analog time

Posted 19 October 2003

Compared to the numbered digital display there is something more human and approachable about the analog clock. The challenge of displaying the time on ollicle.com with a friendly face and hands demonstrated why I hadn't seen this any other blogs....

Making time

Posted 26 October 2003

What better time than the first day of daylight savings to be thinking about time. The time icons have had the subtle upgrade they demanded since my last post. As promised I’m documenting their construction. Lately I have spent a...