April 2013

Ninety two

Molecular model atom beads and rods connected to form the digits nine and two.

Days of Google Reader

Ninety one

Super close up of grains of cooked white rice resting on a dark wood surface. Together they form the digits nine and one.

Days of Google Reader


Laid out on a beige rug, a black and grey folded scarf and a round red mat form the digits nine and zero.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty nine

Macro close up of the number eighty nine written with purple crayon on watercolour paper. The paper is marked with red scribbled ink and orange highlighter.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty six

Cut apples in a bowl. Two halves, seeds revealed, form an eight. A strip of peel extending from another apple forms the stroke of a six.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty five

A pair of Rubik Snake like puzzles twisted into the shapes of an eight and a five.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty four

Old fashioned typewriter keys arranged to outline the shapes of the digits eight and four.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty two

Looped brown shoe laces in the shapes of an eight and a two each.

Days of Google Reader

Eighty one

A pair of wine glasses viewed from above. One glass has less red wine than the other. A charcoal pencil rests to the right of the glassware.

Days of Google Reader


A coiled and looped power cord tracing an eight and a zero on a beige rug.

Days of Google Reader

Seventy six

A pair of black chopsticks on a napkin makes a seven alongside a curled receipt forming a tidy six on a black surface.

Days of Google Reader

Seventy two

Zoomed in on the seventy two centimetre mark on a measuring tape.

Days of Google Reader

Seventy one

Several crayons aligned and positioned to make the digits seven and one. They rest on a page with some scribbly crayon drawing. The page has some blobby shadows cast upon it.

Days of Google Reader


Two short lengths of masking tape on black cloth forms a bold seven. The roll of tape rests alongside making the zero.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty nine

Two paper towels curled into loose tubes, looking end-on their uncurled edges point up and down to nicely form sixty nine.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty eight

Scored by hand into wet sand on the oceans edge, the digits six and eight are among shreds of seaweed.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty seven

The digits six and seven on a South Australian number plate.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty six

Four shiny black tangram triangles arranged in pairs of small and large together make two six digits. They are resting on a floral petal patterned cushion.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty five

Digital clock style geometric digits formed by groups of matches resting on an oven tray.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty four

Backgammon die resting on a backgammon board. The top facing value of the die is sixty four.

Days of Google Reader

Sixty three

Four sausages in a cast iron frying pan. They are curved into meaty raw digits, forming a six and a three.

Days of Google Reader